Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Wednesday, November 26

A beautiful day outside and a very productive day inside! Today we reviewed all of our letters M, N, F, T, A and H. In math we used unifix cubes and dice to reinforce recognition of numbers 1-5 and then played go fish again using numbers 1-5. After library we had an Expect Respect assembly with the rest of the Elementary School. Miranda and Austin were in the spotlight for demonstrating caring behaviour.

Monday, November 24

Today was a great day! We continued learning about the letter A. Printing the lower case a proved to be a little tricky. We had a lot of fun at our math tables. Number 2 was the star number and we made 2 out of marshmallows, wiki stick, playdough and traced the number 2 with crayons and in pudding bags. The kids loved hearing about how they got their names in Social.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Welcome to Koolkinderkids

Hi everyone!
This has been a long time coming and I hope it will give you some insight as to what your children and I spend our day doing.
I am striving to write a short message on it everyday after school. Of course there will be days when I run out of time but I hope to update it as soon as I can.
Here's to trying out this new technology!!
Jill Price